Who We Are
416 Wing is a registered "not for profit" corporation in the province of Ontario, Canada and is governed by the rules and laws therein.
In common with other service clubs, we sponsor programs to benefit the community: 58 Squadron , Royal Canadian Air Cadets, seniors groups, and host social groups such darts & horseshoe teams.
416 Wing has a responsibility to conserve the military aviation heritage of the Kingston area.
We perpetuate the memory of 31 Service Flying Training School, Kingston, Royal Canadian Naval Air Service units based in Kingston past & present Canadian Armed Forces aviation units (such as 1 Wing) and we remember those lost in service to their country during the First and Second World Wars, Korea, peacekeeping and Afghanistan.
Harvard Mk II, "67" is on display in front of the club house as reminder to all who pass of our glorious aviation history.

to advocate for a proficient, well-equipped air force in Canada
Air Cadets
to support local Air Cadet Squadrons and work closely with the Air Cadet League of Canada.
Civil/Military Air
to recognize acheivements in civil and military aviation through the annual awards of the R.C.A.F.A.
to preserve and perpetuate the gloriuos traditions established in Canada's air forces since their inception.
to participate in local civic programs, identified by Wings, and to undertake charitable and other projects of both national and local character.
to remember and mark the important sacrifices made by so many of their fellow Canadians.